Resurrection Devotional - Day 4

Read John 21:1-14.

After the resurrection of Jesus and after they received the Holy Spirit, it seems like not much has changed, in fact it seems like the disciples kind of go backwards in life. Rather than being out there doing ministry in Jesus’ name, they are back to their old jobs…fishing.

No matter where we are in life and what we have found ourselves doing, do we recognize the voice of God in our lives? The disciples haven’t caught anything all night and into the morning, and Jesus comes to them and tells them put down their net on the other side of the boat.

How is the difference on which side of the boat the net is cast going to make any difference? In human wisdom and understanding, none, but when it comes to obeying the voice of God, everything. This often is the case that when the voice of God comes to us, we don’t immediately recognize it, but when we obey the voice of God, then God reveals to us that it was him.

When it comes to following the leading of the Holy Spirit, it works the same. We often want assurances and 100% certainty that it is God who is speaking to us, but the assurance only comes after we have obeyed. So how do we discern the voice of God? The most important thing is that it aligns with the Bible and does not contradict the word of God. God will often lead us outwards towards blessing another person in someway rather than simply blessing ourselves.

When the disciples obeyed Jesus, they saw a small miracle happen in their lives. As you obey the voice of Jesus in your lives, may it become a lifestyle of obedience and lifestyle of miracles.


Resurrection Devotional - Day 5


Resurrection Devotional - Day 3